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Where can I find real-time cryptocurrency prices?

Explore top cryptocurrencies with, where you can find real-time price, coins market cap, price charts, historical data and currency converter. Bookmark the Price page to get snapshots of the market and track nearly 3,000 coins.

What is the global cryptocurrency market cap?

The global cryptocurrency market cap was trading slightly lower at $1.07 trillion mark, dropping more than a per cent in the last 24 hours. However, the total trading volumes were flat, slipping only a per cent close to $61.25 billion.

What is the value of Ygg?

The whitepaper states that the value of the YGG is derived from the yield obtained from treasury assets, rewards achieved from raids, esports, sponsorships, treasury farming activities, subscription fees, and merchandise sales. The value of all the YGG activities is occupied in the diluted market capitalization of the governance tokens of YGG.

Which crypto tokens were trading lower on Friday?

Barring a few exceptions, all top crypto tokens were trading sharply lower on Friday. Polkadot, Shiba Inu and Tron were trading marginally higher. Among the losers, Avalanche plunged 6 per cent, whereas Solana tanked 5 per cent. Polygon and Dogecoin were down 4 per cent each.

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